Teacher Certification -> Wall of Fame
Testimonials and Pics from Past Participants around the World

Your workshop hosts Kathy and Rob McKay

Shirly from Shanghai, China Mandy from Wellington, New Zealand 2012.
They completed one month of training with us here in Boca Raton, Florida at Florida Atlantic University.

Kathy and Rob McKay with fellow “expert” Iron Chef Cat Cora at the Experts Guide to the Baby Years book launch, in New York City

The lovely Holmes Place teachers from Athens, Greece at the WABC pre-conference workshop in Brighton, England 2009, with Rob and Kathy signing books

Margarita Kontzia of Athens, Greece owner of Ydria Baby Swimming School, after Rob and Kathy’s workshop. Margarita holds a masters degree with an emphasis on baby swimming

Teacher workshop attendees, Suzy from Atlanta, Jeni from Florida and Kristin from Louisville, enjoy breakfast with Kathy McKay during a question and answer discussion

Baby Swim teacher workshop participant Angela (Froggie) from Auckland, New Zealand and Gabriela from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Angelica, a licensed psychologist from Athens, Greece attended a 4 week session. Angelica, was a perfect fit as she tuned into the feelings and well being of our baby swimmers. Besides practicing psychology, Angelica is a popular water polo player in Greece. She was also a volunteer for the 2004 Athens Olympics and Para Olympics where she met an up and coming swimmer named Michael Phelps

Ivy spent two weeks in one of our teacher training workshops. Here Scott and Rob are attempting to make Ivy feel at home. You see, her home town of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is also home to the worlds two tallest twin buildings, the PETRONAS Towers.

Over 90 swim school directors, owners and teachers participated in Rob McKay’s baby swimming workshop for PSPN, in Krakow, Poland.
Testimonials from previous workshops