Putting two elements together in the right combination can yield amazing results. Take the simplicity of hydrogen and oxygen in perfect proportion and viola`–water, H2O.
But water to us is more than the mere combination of elements—as beautiful as that is. Water is life. Our adult bodies are comprised of 50-65 % water, and an infant’s body, 70% water. Our planet is, ironically, named “Earth” since nearly 71% of its surface is water.
As humans we bathe in water, perform rituals in and with water, explore on and under it. Water itself changes character—solid, liquid, gas (ice, water, vapor)–and can change mood—rough or smooth, awe-inspiring or meditative. It is the source of myth, legend and miracle. And, as one of the 4 elements, water is deeply rooted in our culture, heritage, psyche and spirituality.
In the pool this year, as you stand waist deep in water with your baby in your arms, we want you to be aware of and grateful to this unique, natural element. It is an incredible teacher and will be a conduit for you and your baby to learn more about one another. In water, your baby is going to learn more about his capabilities; he is going to experience weightlessness, movement and balance.
Water is a conductor of energy—think of dolphins communicating, sonar, light energy filtering to reefs. So as you enter our pool, envision it as amplifying your energy. Keep your mood positive, your voice encouraging, your focus on play and fun. Our pool and the people in it all amplify the very best that the purity and clarity of water can give us. Think of the line in The Life Of Pi, “Papa-Gi said swimming in that pool changed his life.”
Enjoy Serenity Swim at Lifestyle Swim School for its balanced, gentle, soft approach to water learning. An approach that matches and mirrors the velvet touch of water on your skin.
It’s more than just hydrogen and oxygen. It’s more than just swimming lessons.
About the Author:
Rob and Kathy McKay have devoted their adult careers to developing the most stimulating, child friendly, educationally sound and developmentally appropriate swim school possible. The very tangible result of their mission is the nationally acclaimed Serenity Swim at Lifestyle Swim School in Boca Raton, the couple’s award-winning video series, Diaper Dolphins, their book Learn to Swim (DK Publishing), their website www.babyswimming.com and their contribution to The Experts Guide to the Baby Years (Clarkson Potter).